Apr 25, 2012


I designed some posters for Feist for her show at the magnificent Crowley theater in Marfa, Texas. The show is today. April 25. This town holds a special place in my heart. I've been designing posters for the Ballroom Marfa (also along side Nat Russell with Essen) for several years now and was super thrilled to be asked. My sister and her husband have a place there that is such a inspired zone. The light in Marfa makes people create without inhibition. I chose this image of a Native American (Chief Quanah Parker, part of the Comanche tribe, a tribe that arrived in Texas around 1805, the warriors. Couldn't find a proper image of a Jumano Chief) because after a bit of research, I found that the people that were first really chilling in the Marfa (east Texas) area, were some of the Jumano tribe. Before they got run out of town. They were treated like outsiders and I have a thing about that. We are all warriors. I wanted to celebrate them and all of the modern/ancient warriors that fight for the real. I think Feist would agree. Art and music are created a lot of times from the reaction to conflict. Feist plays from a place that is true (and the sounds somehow heal a inner conflict, very successfully). Also, there is a secret snake on the poster. I chose to put the snake on there because in a lot of Native American mythology, the symbol of the snake is one of courage and during a peyote ritual, it is common to imagine your enemy or deepest challenges and they appear as a snake. Then after you've gotten past this fear, a friend or someone you love will appear to you as a snake, bonding you so that the challenge disappears. Basically, get over it. I have ten extra for sale. Limited edition signed and numbered. $40. email/paypal rubi.simone @ gmail.com and I'll send you one. (add $8. for international shipping out of the USA)

Apr 17, 2012


Tomaz and Heather in Toronto during a NYE fest

Gonzales and Doug Paisley and the wisdom I found

Daniela Gesundheit and Gonzales during an all night sing along