Apr 27, 2009

The real deal

Up in Oakland riding bikes. Haven't felt the sunshine on my skin since January. I mean *real* sunshine. The kind of sun where you feel it on your skin even after you've walked into a shady room. The equivalent of sunshine in the food world is oranges. These are 2 things I saw at the farmers market yesterday. Obviously Mr. Fava bean came home with us.

Apr 24, 2009

Friends and Faces

There are some seriously good people in Toronto. This posting is dedicated to some of these people. Another thing to consider, can you tell which shots are digital and which shots are film? This is a test. Also, I miss you already.Balls, Eve, Barnes. (Eve and I played tennis and have since realized the potential of our game)- sister wives.
Dan and Daniela. Newlywedded and song studded as 'Snowblink'
Bubbles and peeps.
New bros. Kieran and Joseph. They took me to Toronto island and under their wing. They are everything people.
Check out Kieran's legs. This makes me laugh.
Anthony Seck took this. Red, Black, White. I just had a double cortado.
Toronto Island from the ferry.

Apr 19, 2009

Snax Part 3

At least once a year I gotta just show some snacks. Yesterday= doubles (Jamaican chickpea sandwich) & roti (stuffed Indian flatbread). Lately= Vietnamese sandwiches. Recently= Chinese and Polish dumplings. Not recently enough= Lombardi's pizza. 3 weeks ago= avocado, lemon, chile, olive oil on buttered multi-grain toast. Mostly= Canadian butter tarts (not pictured). These are some nugs from Toronto and Nyc.
Lime meringue tart from the cafe at Balthazar, NYC. Grubtastic. Also try the ham and cheese croissant. It has bechamel on it which definitinely brings it to the next level.

Lombardi's pizza with Mikal. NYC. Coal oven- the best. I get it with fresh ricotta and olives.
Avocado toast with lemon, chile, salt, and olive oil from Cafe Gitane, NYC. I was with my swedish friend Martin, this blew his mind. Made me miss California.

Dumplings with Sarah at the dumpling house on Eldridge. The sesame pancakes (right) are illegally delicious and the fried pork buns (top middle) are addictive, NYC. All of this food was $18. I can't believe I only went here on my last day in NYC. From now on, at least twice a week.

Banh Mi- from Saigon bakery on Broome St. in NYC. My fave. $3. Insane.
A 'double' from the Jamaican bakery in Kensington market in Toronto. Curried chickpea and mango on the inside of soft bread. So good. $1 each!
Ok kids. Dig this. The Canadian bacon that we all know in love in the States is called 'peameal bacon' in Canada. This special cut of meat is rolled in cornmeal and forms sorta a crust. It's super good.
This is a peameal bacon sandwich from the St. Lawrence market in Toronto. I am only posting things that were really tops.
Yes, I am happy.

Pickles, Pickles, Pickles. Oh, and lots of pickled eggs in Toronto. I tried one and they serve it with hot sauce. I was down. So the only thing I have to try is still the beer cheese sandwich from 'the communist's daughter' in Toronto. I have 3 days.

Apr 16, 2009

Branches, Lambs, Chickens, and a Hoodie.

More film from the recent farm visit. Could be my new favorite friend picture. Hoodie shape. Those branches grew snow on them the next morning. Snow really does grow on trees.

Apr 13, 2009

Shadows on snow

Been noticing how awesome shadows look on snow. Went to a 200 acre farm last week and made maple syrup. In the morning on the 2nd day, I noticed these 2 contrasting shadow patterns. Guess it's like white paper. Everything pops. Plus, who doesn't love extremes? Hard geometric patterns and branchey nature-ness. Kinda like rags 2 riches. Dig.

Apr 5, 2009

Dunce cap & Orphans

I found this strange elementary school in Toronto. The overall vibe of this place is just plain bananas! It has the most interesting textures, lines, colors, mosaics, and reflections. My new fave shots. More film. Check out the tree light and little squares of reflections. The opposing brick lines. The green chair caught behind the checkered curtain is like the little dude that got sent to the corner. Dunce cap. Ps. Is that little orphan annie? Pps. What does the tag say in the middle shot? I wanna think 'pimp'

Apr 2, 2009

The art of mistakes

Been taking tons of pictures on this 1979 Minolta. Back in Toronto, where the process is el cheapo. You buy a roll of film. It includes the processing and a set of prints for $8. Dudes. AND they use the real style of printing- with chemistry. Took me a while to get the process down. I messed up the winding of this last roll. There are some light bleeds on some of these...but I am so down with the bleeds. Art in mistakes. Exciting also because it's NOT digital. Right? I won't post a million shots. I'll put a few up today. To start- check out this circular old library from Stockholm.