My friend Mary just sent me this photo of how I looked in August after helping Terri with her yard- by tearing out a huge plant that gave me this:

and made me feel like this.

I got on a plane in LA and arrived into NYC and the heat made the poison come and give me a punch in the body. But later that first day I saw this and I laughed:

I also finished a track yesterday collaborating with Japanese musician Miyauchi Yuri. I found these photos of us from the Rubies tour in Japan a couple years ago and thought it to be quite relevant. He's in Tokyo and I'm in Oakland.

Also from the archives. This is from a letterhead that my dad had. A letter from 1981 from one of the best restaurants in the world in Geneva, Switzerland. From the chef Fredy Giradet. I get my mind so blown by the logo and font. Blind deboss. De Boss. The Boss.