Feb 21, 2009


I finished another album design. This time for a new artist on Chop Shop/Atlantic called "Anya Marina." Together with awesome photographer Autumn de Wilde, I designed the package to be like a house with a story. Opening the door to see more of her and still maintaining mystery with the old paperback book. Revealing in the very center of the book, her favorite childhood porcelain elf. I had asked her to find something that was very close to her- something from her childhood- and had Autumn take a photo of that. I created a little logo of her yelling through the megaphone that I repeated on every page to create a concrete vibe for her album. Something that could appear later on posters, shirts, singles that would associate her personality with an image. Anya is a rad girl. I've met her parents, almost been hypnotized by her dad's best friend (and met Tom Steinbeck- John Steinbeck's son!), crushed out on life together, ping ponged and jumped rope with, and listened to Anya describe what moves her the most.

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